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Die Monsterjets der 2. Staffel des JaboG 32

Den Beinamen "Flying Monsters" trug die 2. Fliegende Staffel des JaboG 32 seit 1973. Ursprünglich war er das Motto eines Fliegerballes zu dem die Staffel eingeladen hatte.
Nachdem der Name sehr großen Zuspruch gefunden hatte, wurde er kurzerhand beibehalten. Anlässlich eines Staffelaustausches im September 1976 mit der 356th TAC FTR SQ "Demon One" aus Myrtle Beach in North Carolina / USA, die einen grünen Dämonenkopf im Wappen führte, entstand die Idee eines eigenen Staffelwappens.
Mit dem Entwurf für das Wappen wurde das ehemalige Staffelmitglied Major Wolfgang Leuthner beauftragt. Aus den verschiedenen Entwürfen wurde schließlich der rote Drache auf schwarzem Hintergrund und goldener Umrahmung mit dem Schriftzug "Flying Monsters" ausgewählt. Das neue Wappen wurde im November 1976 vorgestellt und offiziell durch die Geschwaderführung genehmigt.
Im Oktober 2011 feierten die Flying Monsters den 35 Geburtstag ihres Staffelnamens und des Wappens.
FBW 32 321 Tigerjet 2011 46+33 and 322 Monsterjet 2011 46+29
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Originally it was a good habbit of a wing - and only on wing level - to give a special painting to one of its birds for a special event like an anniversary. When the 1st Squadron of FBW 32 gave itself a new crest with a tigerhead after the conversion from TORNADO IDS to ECR it also joined the NATO Tiger Association and was given the right to paint a jet in the colors of a tiger every year for the yearly NATO Tiger Meet. Because the 2nd Squadron from FBW 32 - the Flying Monsters - was afraid to loose in importance because of that, they were also given permission to paint a Monsterjet every year. In 2011 both squadrons painted their last jet before the disbandment of wing and squadrons in 2013. They were TORNADO ECR 46+33 as the last Tigerjet of the 321 Tigers and TORNADO ECR 46+29 as the last Monsterjet of the 322 Flying Monsters. In Action:

FBW 32 last three jets with a special painting
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story Originally it was a good habbit of german flying wings - and only on wing level - to give a special painting to one of its birds for a special event like an anniversary. TORNADO ECR 46+53 "LAST CALL" was the last jet to receive this special painting and stood for the end of FBW 32. When the 1st Squadron of FBW 32 gave itself a new crest with a tigerhead after the conversion from TORNADO IDS to ECR it also joined the NATO Tiger Association and was given the right to paint a jet in the colors of a tiger every year for the yearly NATO Tiger Meet. Because the 2nd Squadron from FBW 32 - the 322 Flyingmonsters - was afraid to loose in importance because of that, they were also given permission to paint a Monsterjet every year. TORNADO ECR 46+29 was the last one. In 2011 both squadrons painted their last jet before the disbandment of wing and squadrons in 2013. They were TORNADO ECR 46+33 as the last Tigerjet of the 321 Tigers and TORNADO ECR 46+29 as the last Monsterjet of the 322 Flying Monsters. In Action:

Lechfeld 322 Monsters ECR 46+29 special paint "25 years Flyingmonsters"
printsize: DIN A3
High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'', DIN A2 and DIN A1 optional) with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. Background story The name "Flying Monsters" carried the 2nd Flying Squadron of Fighterbomberwing 32 in Lechfeld since 1973. It had been the motto of a flyers ball to which the squadron had invited before. Because this name had found enormous sympathy it had just been kept. During a squadron exchange  with the 356th TAC FTR SQ "Demon One" from Myrtle Beach in North Carolina/USA in 1973 which had a green demon head in its crest the idea of an own squadron crest was born. The design order was given to Major Leuthner. From a couple of different designs finally the red dragon on black background with golden border and the line "Flying Monsters" was chosen. The new crest was introduced in 1976 and officially granted by the wing kommander. In October 2011 the Flying Monsters celebrated the 35th birthday of name and crest. In Action:

With Pilotennames on the cockpit rail (price additional to the print)
What is more or less standard on US Airforce jets - the names of the crew on the cockpit rail - can be found on german jets only now and then, namely on birds with special paintings for special events. That there are names under the canopy does not mean that this bird is only flown by this crew or pilot, but it is a great honour for the pilots to find his name on a jet of his wing. For little more money you can have your name(s) being printed on this special place e.g. as a special gift for a special friend or just as a gag for you. Just order this extra feature as an extra article and specify in the info-box of the ordering process which name(s) you like to have at what place beneath the cockpits. One last thin: the larger the print is, the better and more impressive the writings can be seen (see also our big size prints in A2 and A1). Please specify in the input box above what names and ranks you want to display!
