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Combat Wing 1 Tornado ECR + RECCE Norm 95

Product information "Combat Wing 1 Tornado ECR + RECCE Norm 95"

High value 250 g/m2 silky luster paper poster at the size of DIN A3 (420x297 mm, 16 1/2 x 11 3/4'') with aircraft scheme and textual descriptions. All text in german language! DIN A2 and DIN A1 versions are optional, but will be printed after reception of the order which means a delay of ca. 1 week for the shipping.

Background story

On this print you find substitutional for the two operational flying components of CW-1 (both in norm 95 camouflage) one RECCE TORNADO of german Recce Wing 51 and one ECR TORNADO of FBW 32, both in complete combat configuration with 2 underwing tanks, 2 HARM missiles (ECR), the RECCE POD, 2 air-to-air missiles AIM-9L(i) "Sidewinder", the chaff and flare dispenser BOZ 101 (not visible on outside of starboard wing) and the EW POD Cerberus III on the outboard station of the port wing.

The RECCE (reconnaissance) TORNADO is based on the fighterbomber (IDS) version of the TORNADO and forms with other platforms the spearhead of Luftwaffe's intervention forces for crisis. In all operations so far where the german Luftwaffe was involved - from Bosnia up to Afghanistan - the RECCE TORNADO proved in an impressive manner its capabilities. In the so called RECCE POD which is hanging under the fuselage he carries the most modern optical and infrared sensors and cameras which offer the capability to provide fast and precisely high resolution pictures by day and by night, in low-level and high-level flight. These pictures are an important base for successful higher level military plannings.

With the IDS (interdictor strike) version of the TORNADO german Luftwaffe and Marine owed since years a tactical fighter jet with great firepower, range and survivability which allowed the effective combat against targets at day and at night and under all weather conditions. Based on this system the TORNADO ECR (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance) was created and introduced. The basic change of the ECR was the so called "1st avionic upgrade" of the IDS version. Also added were stronger Turbo Union RB-199 Mk-105 engines (Mk-101 and Mk-103 has the IDS).